Well, hello.

Well, hello.

It's quite laughable that I once blogged 5 days a week.  5 days!  Never missed.  I laughed when someone much older and wiser said to me "one day, you probably won't want to blog anymore".  Jokes on me.

Anyways.  Here I am, nearly 1 year since the last time I wrote on this rusty ol' thing.

I love blogging - really I do.  Blogging brought me some of my closest friendships in life.  Blogging allowed me to build a business that has changed our lives forever.  Blogging allowed me to document our family - in an otherwise chaotic era of my life.

So, let's document again, shall we?

The first day of school photos feel like a great place to start.  An easy bridge back into filling this year long gap that I've had in this space.

This year, my kids are basically grown-ups.  How this is happening is beside me, cause aren't I still 27?

Caedmon - Freshman in HIGHSCHOOL 😱

Hadley - 7th grade

Elsa - 6th grade

Milo - 6th grade

Kohen - 3rd grade

Olive - 1st grade

The fact that I have a high schooler is beyond me.  I'm constantly reminding myself that I have 4 years with him home.  4 SHORT YEARS.

The last 14 years have felt like a blur.  Before we know it, we'll be ushering him into college and setting up a dorm room.  It just doesn't seem possible.

I learned recently that it doesn't matter the relationship you've had with your kids.  You can always start today and ask God to help you redeem the remaining years you have with them.  So that's my prayer with him (and all of my kids).  That no matter how long we have left with him, that God would redeem those years.

So, without further ado - The Anderson Crew 2018-2019 school year:


Happy Thursday!

xo, Emily

Hello again.

Hello again.

A Look Back at our Summer

A Look Back at our Summer